About Us

About Business Incubation Consultancy, Inc.

BICON, INC. comes with a new brand of professional expertise, high integrity and technological skills. Our comparative advantage stems from more than twelve (12) years of experiences in the audit and tax practice as well as the sufficient knowledge of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP), International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). BICON, INC. has become one of the Liberia’s most distinguished accounting firms by providing exceptional service that reaches far beyond traditional accounting. The Management of BICON Inc., holds years of experience in serving at senior management levels in different industries ranging from audit firms, merchandising, manufacturing, mining (from exploration stages to production), and agriculture. Our steady growth over the last years reflects our knack for hiring individuals with talent and integrity and our ability to stay one step ahead of the issues facing our clients in an ever-changing business landscape. With office in Monrovia, Partners and a number of exceptional employees, we are strategically positioned to grow and excel in the future.

BICON, INC. is ranked as one of the leading accounting firms in the country in the “Best of the Best” listing in INSIDE Public Accounting, while providing world-class service to clients in an array of industries including but not limited to energy, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, petroleum, retail, distribution, technology, public sector and employee benefit plans.

BICON, INC. provides a full range of professional services including: financial statement attestation and related services (including audits, reviews and compilations), internal control advisement, forensic investigation, general business consulting services, mergers and acquisition planning and support, tax planning, consulting and compliance, financial services, investment management, litigation support, and business valuation services. Our goal is to provide the highest quality professional service to our clients, which is made possible by employing the highest quality professionals with diverse experience that enables us to bring a depth of knowledge unmatched by our competitors.

Our headquarters are located in the Gibson Building, Randall Street adjacent the ECOBANK Randall Street Branch Office in the James Travers Building, Monrovia, Liberia. Our branch office is located on Tubman Street, Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, Liberia. We have an active online presence through our website (www.biconinclr.com) and social media links:

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Our Core Value Our Mission
  1. Professional Service: Accountable for performance, considerate of timelines and committed to delivery; good communication and consistency in the value of all outputs
  2. Relationships: We are open and straightforward; trustworthy
  3. Quality: Local ownership, collaborative, pragmatic challenge, risk focused, timely and unequivocal decisions;
  4. Insight: Thoughtful leadership in a given sectors, perspectives and corporate reporting

We combine local talents and expertise in providing Professional Services that meet world-class Standards of Quality and Excellence.

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