Our Mission

“BICON, INC. is collaborating with Andersen Global.”

Our Mission

We combine local talents and expertise in providing Professional Services that meet world-class Standards of Quality and Excellence.

Our Core Values

Professional Service Relationships Quality Insight

Accountable for performance, considerate of timelines and committed to delivery; good communication and consistency in the value of all outputs

We are open and straightforward; trustworthy

local ownership, collaborative, pragmatic challenge, risk focused, timely and unequivocal decisions.

Thoughtful leadership in a given sectors, perspectives and corporate reporting.

About Our People and their Development

We therefore strive to recruit, maintain and continuously improve the best available talented staff.
We constantly expose our professional staff to new challenges and encourage them to generate creative solution to our clients' needs
All of our partners and consultants hold high level education and professional qualifications and number of years of experience in professional practice and are members of professional bodies.
We regularly hold safety workshops for our staff to ensure their work does not bring additional liabilities to our clients.
We maintain a good reputation for obtaining permits timely, where necessary, from regulatory agencies and institutions for our clients
All Our consultants are Lecturers at Local Colleges and Universities
We require and provide regular trainings and updates for our staff of the changes in the Tax law and contemporary international tax issues. This equips our team to respond professionally to various challenges faced by our diverse clients.
We Sponsor Our Professionals for Training Opportunities locally.



View our prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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