Zinnah B. Sackie



Mr. Zinnah B. Sackie was born and raised in Liberia. Zinnah B. Sackie holds a Mater Business Administration (MBA), from the Cuttington University in Liberia and currently a third (3rd) year student at the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia.

Zinnah B. Sackie serves as the Senior Partner for Tax and Regulation for BICON Inc. He is a Chartered Accountant (CA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) (ICAG), a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of the Liberian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (LICPA), a Certified Tax Practitioners (CTP) of the Liberian Institute of Tax Practitioners (LITP).

Mr. Sackie has worked with several institutions including over 16 year of public accounting practice in one of the biggest accounting firm in Liberia. He rose from the position on intern to audit supervisor, then assisting/acting Audit Manager.

Mr. Sackie also worked as In Country Controller of the first industrial gold mine in Liberia, this position he served distractively for five year acting instead of Country Director in the absence of the Country Director.

Mr. Sackie is a recipient of several training including Continue Professional Development (CPD), USAID Rule and Regulations (OMB133) and EU audit reporting requirement,

Mr. Sackie has provided consultancy and training for several institutions including ecorys for the Netherlands, training, setup and configuration of QuickBooks and other web based accounting software.

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